When we start a project using EVO Synthetic Paper we never know what the end result will be. It is always a surprise, and that’s part of the fun! Look where this project started and how it ended up!
This project started with a sheet of 8.5″x11″ EVO Synthetic Paper and Piñata Alcohol inks in Golden Yellow, Teal and Brass. The ink was dropped, layered and placed on the paper in a diagonal line. Yellow first, teal second and brass third. The ink was moved around using an air tool. When the ink dried, isopropyl alcohol was added to reactive the ink and it was able to move around again. This process continued until the sheet was completely full of color.
Once the entire paper was covered in color, more isopropyl was added and the ink was moved around in a circular motion. The ink was pushed toward the outside of the sheet until it dried and then more isopropyl was added again. This process was repeated until the smaller circle was 2 inches in diameter.
We love the rings of color and how the brass ink shows and defines each ring.
We’d love to see your projects using EVO. Tag us on Instagram @etcpapers & @evopapers and we will share your masterpieces!